- Photo must follow all rules as laid out below to be eligible.
- Photo can be black and white or color.
- Photo should be of water being WASTED outside, not of water being polluted.
- Photo should not be altered or manipulated in any way. No Photoshop filters or other photo editing software allowed.
- Photos should have been taken since May 1, 2015 and show water being wasted in Summit or Wasatch County.
- Photo will be judged on:
- How well the photo shows water being wasted?
- How bad is the water waste being shown?
- How good is the quality of the photo? Is it in focus? Is the waste the main subject of the picture? Can you tell what the water waste is without explanation?
- Originality of water waste – has that specific incident been depicted in other contestants’ photos?
- The ‘Facepalm’ Factor – how hard the judges hit their foreheads with their palms in reaction to the photo.
The winners will be announced Fridays, during the Local News Hour.
- Contest is open to children and young adults 18 years old and younger, who live or go to school within the geographical borders of Summit and Wasatch Counties and have not graduated from high school.
- No parents of children or other adults are eligible to participate.
- Contestants may be contacted to verify their answers and/or work.
- All photos submitted become the property of KPCW, and can be used for editorial, marketing and promotional uses throughout the known and unknown universe for the eternity of time and beyond.
- KPCW, nor any of its sponsors, partners or affiliates, is not responsible for the loss or destruction of any photos submitted, and will not return any photos.
- KPCW will accept electronic copies of photos ONLY. Photos with high resolution (150 dpi or more) and dimensions of at LEAST 6 inches by 4 inches preferred.
- All decisions of the judges are FINAL.
- The winning photo each week will win that week’s prize, plus is eligible for the Grand Prize of $100 in prize money.
- Non-winning photos will be saved and rolled over to the next week for an additional chance of winning.
- Any taxes arising from the money and non-money prizes are the sole responsibility of the winner.
- Photos should be untouched, with no additions or graphics. NO PHOTOSHOP, filters or other photo editing changes or enhancement. Any explanations of the water waste can be added in the email.
- Judges will NOT know who submitted the photos until after each week's winner is chosen.
- Non-cash prizes have no cash value and cannot be traded in for cash.
- Submission of a photograph into this contest equals acceptance of these rules and decisions.